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Bed Nerdz

I created a series of detailed illustrations and instructions for the adult toys of the Bed Nerdz brand. These illustrations were designed to be clear, informative, and visually appealing.

View Project on Bed Nerdz
  • Diversity

    In my drawings I try to represent all the great variety of races, bodies, genders and human beings in general. I believe that each person is unique and that makes us beautiful and incredible. That's why I try to capture those particularities in my work.

  • Representation

    I believe that the representation of this diversity in the media, art and culture in general is essential to move towards a better world where there is no discrimination of any kind. That is why I try to contribute to the cause by reflecting as much diversity as possible in my drawings.

  • Normalization

    Another of my goals is the normalization of taboo issues such as menstruation, sex, body hair, mental health, etc. That's why I try to illustrate about them often. The more content we see about controversial topics and the more we hear about them, the easier it will be to normalize them.

Comissions for brands

  • "Shaving is your choice"

    Set of 5 illustrations I made for the body care company Estrid.


Happy Magazine.

Cover and double page survey made for Happy Magazine Issue 16, The Sex Issue, in collaboration with Lovehoney.

Happy Mag

Personal work
